
How does OpenQuote work?

OpenQuote is software designed to help your customers describe their jobs in detail using a link that you (the installer) can post on marketing material (like website or social media) or share messages (in emails, texts and WhatsApp)  or add to physical marketing materials using a url or a QR code. OpenQuote provides a link that is unique to you  and lets the installer select which services they’d like to offer as well as configuring things like follow up messages.

What information does OpenQuote collect?

OpenQuote asks simple questions with helpful explanations and diagrams to help customers describe their jobs together with photos, videos and files (like copies of inspections or bills). OpenQuote  is able to match information provided by customers with third party data to help installers learn additional information about the property, its location  and its suitability for specific installations as well as providing logistical information on travel times and distances.

OpenQuote ensures that all data collection on your behalf is compliant with the latest UK legislation and is fully compliant with GDPR (link) 

What services do you support and how do I set them up?

OpenQuote provides dedicated journeys for customer enquires for General Electrical services (for domestic customers) and Renewables

Go to full list of questions

What if I need to change the services I’m offering?

If your services change just sign into your account and select “Services” (from the left hand menu). You can toggle services on and off. Customers will then be able to access these services when they use either the dedicated service link, or your general link (that shows a menu of all your services).
If your existing plan doesn’t include the services you need you can upgrade your plan at any time.

What about data protection

OpenQuote ensures that all data collection on your behalf is compliant with the latest UK legislation and is fully compliant with GDPR.

Where can I find my leads from OpenQuote

All leads collected using OpenQuote can be viewed in the your Dashboard. Each time you sign in and you’ll be taken straight to yourDashboard. You can see the details of each enquiry by clicking on the job which will open up the JobSheet for that enquiry and will display customer answers, photos, videos and attachments as well as details of follow up notes. If you need to ask a customer a question you can do this via the jobsheet.

Need help picking a plan?

Who is OpenQuote for?

OpenQuote currently supports electricians offering general domestic services and renewable installations. The tool is designed to help improve the efficiency of lead handling by helping customers to describe their jobs in detail without the need for a site visit or prebooked video call.

What plan is right for me?

OpenQuote offers flexible pricing plans depending on your business size

You can begin using OpenQuote for just 14.99 on our PAYG plans for either domestic general service or for renewables or select our unlimited plan for all services with no lead volume caps. Pro plans are available at 79.99 if you would like to integrate OpenQuote within your CRM or job management software. We currently support ZoHo, Servicem8, Tradify and Simpro and are adding new partners regularly.

What does OpenQuote cost?

All OpenQuote plans come with a one month  free trial and a cancel any time policy. Plans start from just 14,99 per month

How does billing on the Pay-as-you-Go plan work?

The Pay-as-you-Go plan charges are based on the number of leads generated in a calendar month. 5 leads are included in the first tier of the  plan and billing increases as your cumulative lead count reaches higher tiers.  

Tier 1 - base charge of 14.99 pricing - 0-5 leads 

Tier 2 additional charge of 10.00 - 6-10 leads

Tier 3 additional charge of 10.00 - 11-15 leads

Tier 4 additional charge of 10.00 - 16-20 leads

Tier 5 additional charge of 10.00 - 6-10 leads

Pay-as-you-Go Plans are billed at the end of the month.

Can I get a free trial before I buy?

Yes, every OpenQuote plan comes with a trial period of 1 calendar month. At the end of your trial you’ll begin the paid plan that you selected when you activated your account.

Can I book a demo?

Yes, if you’d like to set up a call with the team use this link and pick a time that works for you.

What’s your cancellation policy?

You can cancel openquote at any time. If you’re still within your one month trial you wont be charged anything. If you’re on a paid plan you’ll be charged for the last month of using the product.

What happens to my lead information if I cancel my account?

Upon cancellation, your Openquote account will remain active till the end of the billing cycle. While your account is active you can download details of all enquiries (using the PDF download functionality) available in your dashboard.

Will I be charged anything during my free trial?

OpenQuote lets all users (installers) try the product for 1 month (calendar month) without obligation. And users (installers) can cancel at any time within the first month. If cancellation is made within the first month you will not be charged. Billing, based on the plan you selected, will only begin in the second month of your subscription plan.

Why do you need my credit card information for a free trial?

As part of the sign up process, OpenQuote carries out basic checks to ensure information provides by installers  is accurate (including accreditations and contact information) and credit card information is an important part of this process.


How does OpenQuote save me time

OpenQuote links work 24/7 so you can respond to customers whenever they try to reach you. OpenQuote works by gathering information for you so you can review leads with as much detail as possible and prioritise them before investing time in calls and site visits.

What automated messages and follow up does OpenQuote send?

OpenQuote is designed to save you (the installer) time by collecting enquiries on your behalf  and by taking care of basic messages and follow ups with your  customers so you can get on with your day without interruption.

As well as notifying you when you have a new enquiry or sending a thank you note to all customers letting them know next steps, OpenQuotealso helps manage busy customers who may not be able to provide all the information in one go. When OpenQuote asks customers to upload an image or video, customers always have the option to skip these questions. If questions are skipped, OpenQuote will follow up with these customers and send up to four reminders.  When customers complete an enquiry or add missing items you (the installer) will be sent a message letting you know what changes have been made.

List of automated messages

Customer: Thank you message to customer who has completed an enquiry, explaining next steps and when they will hear from you (the installer)

Customer: Thank you & reminder message to customer who have partially completed an enquiry that lists  any missing items and explains how to go about uploading the information together with next steps and when they will hear from you (the installer) once they supply the missing information

Installer: New enquiry notification  - an email with a link to a new enquiry that you can access by signing in to your dashboard

Installer: Customer upload notification - an email letting you know that a customer has supplied missing information

Can I change the questions that my customers see

OpenQuote works by using a standard set of questions designed by industry experts considered necessary to understand specific installations. At present, OpenQuote does not offer custom journeys but it actively reviews any requests its user make and will consider making modifications to journeys when such changes are likely to benefit both customers and installers.  We encourage all our installers to feedback on changes or new features.


What are OpenQuote lInks and how do I use them to help with leads?

OpenQuote links are unique to your company and are designed to be shared with customers who have specific enquiries.

How do I share links?

Use your general link if you’d your customer to see a menu of all your services (this is a good link to share when you’re not sure what the customer needs)
Use journey specific links if you want to take the customer directly to a specific service or group of services (these links are good to add on product pages that relate to a specific service or in posts designed to attract enquiries for a specific type of installation)

Can I add OpenQuote to my site?

Links are easy to share. Just copy and paste the link wherever you'd like to place it. There’s no special code needed. Just share the links as they appear in your dashboard.

Adding OpenQuote to your site is easy. We recommend all websites offer customers a clear “call to action”  like GET A QUOTE. Just add your openquote links to these calls to action and you’ll the tools will automatically handle your enquiries for you.

Do you offer help setting up OpenQuote?

Yes. All customers can book a marketing audit which will include help and advice on the best way to set up OpenQuote.

To book a marketing audit click here.XXXXX I

Can you help me with marketing?

Every OpenQuote customer is given a free marketing audit which will review all your marketing activity including website and social media and advise you on best practice to help maximise your leads.

To book a marketing audit click here.XXXXXX

Payments & Plans

How does OpenQuote count Leads?

A lead is defined as any enquiry where the customer answers all of the mandatory questions related to a particular service including contact details. Leads may or may not include attachments in the form of pictures, video and files. All leads counted as part of your plan will appear in the dashboard and your dashboard will display the count of leads received in a billing period.

Note: Unlimited and Pro Plans include unlimited leads and are billed at the beginning of each month.

How do I set up OpenQuote Pro with my CRM package?

For customers with a compatible CRM system, set up usually takes 7-10 days and will require a) a video call with the CRM technical lead to understand your current tool configuration and how you would like to map OpenQuote leads to your current CRM b) Submission of test leads to ensure the system c) Sign off and an agreed go live date

OpenQuote Pro supports the following platforms:




My CRM tool isn’t listed: can I still use OpenQuote  Pro?

OpenQuote is constantly adding CRM systems to OpenQuote Pro so please contact the team directly to discuss your specific package and we’ll be happy to advise you on when your system is scheduled to be available. The development team will typically prioritise the popular platforms.

OpenQuote is designed by and for experts we see user feedback as an essential part of improving our product so please message us at suppport@openquote.net