Better information
on every lead
OpenQuote was built to help you handle the most common enquiries from general domestic services to specialist renewable installations.
For a full list of services click here.
Discover more about how OpenQuote works for you
Add OpenQuote wherever your customers find you
Add your links to your website, social media posts, flyers and anywhere your customers might find you or send links directly in texts and emails when get an enquiry.
Start helping
to describe
their jobs
Customers get easy to follow questions with simple instructions and help so they can describe their job quickly and easily and without the hassle of a site visit.
Stress free automated
customer follow up
done for you
Sometimes customers aren’t able to provide all the details right away so OpenQuote checks each enquiry and follow up automatically for you so you don’t waste time chasing.
Select settings and response times that work for your business.
Instant Job alerts
on every enquiry
See leads in real time with instant alerts. OpenQuote organises and keeps track of every lead for you so you don’t miss a thing.
OpenQuote builds detailed jobsheets on every enquiry with useful extras like maps, driving time and google street view (Building Insights) built in so you can prioritize every lead in seconds.
Keep track with everything in
one place
Learn about how & where to add links →
Optional: Available free for PRO customers
Integrate leads into your CRM and job Management tools
Integrate OpenQuote seamlessly into your workflows with our CRM integration package so every lead is captured and tracked and nothing is lost